Wednesday 25 July 2012

The Pyramid Resource Centre

You've heard the phrase "Someone else's junk is another man's treasure" right?

Well that could not be more true when it comes to running kids art and craft workshops.  As you know The lovely Natasha from Chicken & Frog and myself have teamed up to offer a number of workshops over the summer holidays including rubbish monsters and puppet making.  (You can see the full itinerary in my earlier post HERE).

With our first workshop happening this Friday it was time to get organised so we headed off to sunny Tilbury and visited the Pyramid Resource Centre.  This Aladdin's cave of goodies is a scrap recycling project and collects all sorts of pots, fabric scraps, paper and things that some companies simply throw away and offers the general public the chance to re-use them for arty crafty projects.

There is all sorts there.  We came away with 2 big bin bags full of fluffy fur, toilet rolls, yoghurt pots, shiny paper, wool, card and odds and sods.  Tomorrows task is sorting it all out!

There is also a supply shop on site which sells crepe paper, paint, glue, sequins, funky foam, feathers and googly eyes etc and we spent a bit of money there too (woops)!

The project is open to all whether your a business or an individual and you can join for the year and visit as many times as you like.  Big bags can be filled for £5 each!

We are still after good quality junk modelling things though for our Rubbish Monsters workshop next Friday, so if your Brentwood based and can save us your boxes, toilet rolls and plastic containers (washed up please)we would be very grateful.  Either give us a call once you have a box/bag full and we can collect it or drop it to the park between 11-3 this Friday or bring it with you to one of our other open days.

(Example of what we are after)


  1. Fantastic! you will have to take me there too!

  2. how spooky claire whilst watching super scrimpers last night they mentioned these type of places and i was going to see where our nearest one was and then post about the exact thing i'm looking for, i think i may have to take a trip to tilbury - best tidy up my workroom first though!!!
