Thursday 26 July 2012

Getting to know your sewing machine

Own a sewing machine but never use it?  Want to get to grips with your machine so you can hit the ground running?

You need one of my 'Getting to know your sewing machine' classes:

Taught on a One2One basis either from Beautiful Things HQ or your home (location and distance dependant) you will receive tuition that is bespoke to your exact needs.  Whether you have never touched a machine before and need to start from threading up or just need a refresher and want to know more about different stitch types, I will custom make the class to meet you exact needs.

We always make either a cushion cover or a tote bag in every class too so that you have something to 'take home' with you to show what you have achieved.

Here are some pictures from a recent session I had with the lovely Lindie who had a machine she used, but wanted a bit of a refresher on how it worked and exactly what it was capable of doing for her:

 Lindie had a super little singer machine 
We started with tea and cupcakes which she had kindly made for me (this is not expected but is always nice)!!

Lindie already knew how to thread her machine so we worked on learning what all the different stitch lengths and widths could do and sewed a simple sampler so she could remember how to achieve different stitches in the future.

 The finished sampler complete with notes

Then we went onto make a tote bag.  As Lindie was a proficient straight line stitcher she managed this in no time at all so I taught her how to make boxed corners to make her bag deeper.

Lindies finished shopper bag.

If you think you would benefit from a Getting to know your sewing machine session they cost £45 for two hours One2One tuition and I'd be happy to talk with you about what you need to or want to learn. 

Simply e-mail me or comment below for more details

1 comment:

  1. This is a brilliant idea! When I get some spare time I'll be in touch :-)
