Well I have been a busy bee today. Little Mack decided he was going to sleep for England so I set about on a mammoth making session.
First I started on a couple of things I had promised to make my friend Lauren. A lime green and brown purse to match her holiday bag,

and a crayon roll for her change bag.

What toddler doesn't need one of these?
Then I made another teabag holder for the shop to replace the one I sold this afternoon.

Last but not least I made my first T-shirt dress.

I am really proud of it, but sadly I have not mastered neat and tidy internal seams yet so this one will be given to a friends daughter and I'll try again before I brave selling them. I wonder if anyone is giving away an overlocker on Freecycle?
Love the little purse Claire, I need one of those so handy to pop inside beach bags and even going out bags to hold your change! How much are they, can I have any colour?