Saturday 16 June 2012

Time Management Aaaaaahhhhhh

Feeling the fug? Half Term killed you off? How do you do it?  I'd love to know.

As a Mum to a near 1 year old who is at home with me most days and a 5 year old who is at school.  Finding a way to balance motherhood and running your own business can be a real challenge.

I do find myself getting so caught up in 'what I need to get done' that I don't ever end up getting anything done!  It would appear it's not just me though.  Even the wonderful Lucy of Attic 24 admits to feeling the fug this week in her blog and has gone for a spot of 're-balancing'

Many of you will have read my blog - How to be Superwoman.  It's one of my highest visited posts to date, but after a mumpreneur network meeting I went to today (BIZEE MUMS) I realised 'finally' that I don't always practise what I preach.

So here goes.....................

I'm at a wedding today, I shall enjoy myself (child free) let my hair down and have fun.  Sunday is another day.....Still child free I shall crack on with a mass housework exodus and give myself room to breath.  Monday after I have completed the school run I shall spend the day with my little girl and attempt as much admin as I can handle and clear the to do list and paperwork pile.  Tuesday I shall go shopping for supplies and then Wednesday and Thursday when I shall have childcare I will make, make, make.  During all this time my house will remain tidy and clean and I shall be productive in a space where I can breath.

I'll be back Friday to let you know how it went!


  1. Hi Clare I think we are all the same on the practising what we preach and often it takes someone outside looking in to see how to change things or to comment regarding when you should be doing things. I have learnt to leave things I can do with my daughter around to when she is around - so cleaning, washing up, baking and cooking all things she can help with we do when she is here. The creative side generally waits till she is in school or bed and that is a challenge as she naturally is not an early nighter (its 9.35 and she is reading in bed at the mo - am about to embark on a night of sewing and crafting for a fiar i have coming up and sorting card baskets out for shops and school etc

    It is our own expectations which are the most demanding and it is not failure to have a house that needs a good clean every so often or a draw that isn't sorted or a lawn that isn't mowed. when you have the kids spend the time with them that is the only thing you will truly regret if you don't.

  2. Claire, wise words from Rachel,I know you have to work to make some pennies, but put your lovely children first. They really do love being at home with you and Daddy. Little Mack would have been quite happy to come home to mummy without us today, or so he said. However, you will feel so much more in control with a little bit of order and routine in your life. Plus you give me the incentive to try to be organised. Keep up the good work.
