Friday 23 July 2010

It's giveaway time!!

Yeah we all love a giveaway.

I need 25 more followers on my blog to reach 100 and 51 more likers on my Facebok Page to reach 200.

If you can help me reach those targets by spreading the word of both sites then I will pull a name out of the hat as soon as I get there.

The winner will receive one of my girls night out purses like the one pictured above, made out of the amazing funky blue fabric I picked up at last weeks bootsale.

Inside will be another surprise treat!

Off you go, spread the word


  1. I'm follower 92 and I just tweeted bout your giveaway :o) xXx

  2. Hi - lovely bags. I'm now follower 93 - just a few more needed!

  3. Follower 94 reporting for duty - off to Tweet about your giveaway now!

    Deb x

  4. Im trying to follow but am having problems. Please include me in the give away, cos Im am going to facebook and tweet about it.

  5. Hello! I've joined you both here and on FB and I'm about to go tweet!
