Thursday 16 June 2011

The importance of packaging

As you know I am a stickler for quality and presentation, but the same has to be said for my packaging. I am a firm believer that the excitement of the 'sale' starts from the minute your package appears through your letterbox.

I have had some lovely reviews from my customers on my facebook page HERE but one stands out particularly:
"" I received my pocket warmers in post today. Can't wait to try them out on the school run this afternoon. The packaging was gorgeous - you're giving Boden a run for their money in terms of presentation! As always, thanks for prompt service. It's always a pleasure to support a local mumpreneur.

If you take a look through the reviews you will see that the majority mention packaging in some way and I know that those particular customers have all returned for more shopping following their first purchase. Just proof that how you present your goods can make such a difference to the buyers experience.

Here is a classic example of what you would get through your door from Beautiful Things: Lovely printed tissue, your goods, a business card and a thank you postcard.

All packaged up in a pink mailer with custom printed thank you label on the front.

Even if I cant fit your goodies in a mailer or they need to be secure in a jiffy they will still be wrapped in pretty tissue on the inside and I try to make the outsides a little bit special with pretty tapes or printed wrapping paper.

How do you package your customers goodies? I'd love to see


  1. Its lovely to see how much effort you go to over something that most people don't think twice about. First impressions count and you are clearly making a cracking first impression!
    Keep up the good work, it's definately worth it.

  2. I couldn't agree more, if it's presented well on the outside chances are it's just as good inside!

  3. I also wrap in tissue paper, with a sticker to seal - but I don't include thank you cards or business cards - you go to so much effort :) It clearly pays off!

    My packages don't look as nice as yours though - I am terrible at 'wrapping' - Hubby always despairs at Christmas you think I could go on a wrapping course?!
