Monday, 7 May 2012

Handmade Monday - Blinging Bras

I nearly forgot to post today.  Hands up how many of my fellow Handmade Monday crew thought it was Sunday?

Anyway, today's post is short but sweet.  I spent my afternoon jazzing up a bra for my friend Amanda who is doing the Moonwalk next Saturday/Sunday.

She is walking a full 13 miles through the streets of London wearing a bra all for a fantastic cause helping to fight Breast Cancer.

You can sponsor Amanda right here 

every pound counts, so even if you can only give 50p it will help.  

Wishing you the best of luck Amanda and make sure you take loads of pictures for my customer gallery!


  1. The bra is fantastic hope the weather is kind

  2. Love the bra, good luck to Amanda and I hope the weather is kind x

  3. Brilliant bra Claire... hope your friend enjoys her stroll(!)... the moon walkers always seem to have such fun!

  4. Yep, I nearly missed Monday!
    The bra is amazing - hope all goes well for Amanda

  5. Very cool bra! All the best to Amanda :)
