Monday, 21 May 2012

Handmade Monday - Admitting defeat

Sometimes you have a great idea and come up with a product you think everyone will love.  Sure enough as soon as you release it everyone oohs and aaahs and there is real excitement over it, but...............

Nobody buys it!  You ask yourself why?, is it too expensive?, are the colours wrong? Perhaps people are a bit skint right now.

But still to no avail the blooming product wont shift.

Well here is my culprit.  The Scooter Bag

Great idea in principle, the initial customer who ordered one and gave me the idea loves hers, but I seem to have 15 others sitting in my stock pile with no homes.

So today the humble scooter bag has been officially discontinued, reduced from it's very reasonable £24.99 to a more affordable £15.00 to clear and hopefully they will all be gone by the end of the week!

Spread the word people, SCOOTER BAGS FOR SALE


  1. The buying public are so fickle, aren't they? Just when you think you have found a popular money spinner, something goes wrong. I do hope you manage to sell all of them. A good experience though. Hope you have a good week.

  2. It's hard to know sometimes why something doesn't work. Maybe they'll sell in warmer weather (like today??). It seems a great product for travelling - and I'm probably not the only one who couldn't get my head round the idea of going anywhere in all that rain! Lovely bags, btw x

  3. Oh Claire, that is a blooming nuisance, have you thought about rebranding it as a wellie bag with one wellie tucked in another?

  4. That's such a shame as it's a great idea. I do think people aren't spending a lot at the moment so maybe that's why as there's nothing wrong with it at all. Hope the sale pays off for you. xxx

  5. It's always a bit disheartening when something people really seem to like doesn't sell. The bags do look great and they are a great idea.

  6. How frustrating for you, they look a great idea!

  7. Sorry to hear this. I agree that in principle they are a good idea as I, along with many others carry the stupid things around a fair bit. Lets hope they go and you can forget abou them!

  8. It is odd how some things sell and some don't. I suppose we'd all be millionaires if we knew the answer to that one :)
