Friday, 10 February 2012

Packing and unpacking

Well I'm finally back, in fact I got back 4 weeks ago now but I've been so busy that I'm only just catching up on my blog.

We had wifi in Oz but with 6 people in one house using it from various wifi enabled gadgets the chance of uploading photos was very slim so I gave up, hence the late posts, but hey ho!

When I went to Oz I carried out a huge wooden advent calender for my inlaws.  There was method in my madness in that I intended to therefore have an entire case free to bring back stash.  And bring back stash I did!

Here's the beast I returned with brimming with fabric, wool and trimmings.  It was so heavy it was even slapped with a big fat HEAVY tag!

I will say one thing for Australia, it's fabric shops are fantastic and half the price of the shops here in the UK.  I also got so many fabulous bargains from the garage sales too.

The trouble now is I don't have any space in my studio whatsoever to put any of it, so I am on a strict stash only making diet until shelf space re-appears.


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