What a glorious morning for a mooch round the bootsale. My favourite haunt for a bargain is Dunton bootsale. it is a very large one but today it was even larger than usual, yesterdays sunshine had obviously encouraged lots of people to pack their cars up the night before. I managed most of it, but sadly there was not a lot of vintage treasures to be had again.
Bubs got a few good bargains though and this time Little Mack got treated a bit more aswell. All in all I spent £21.70 heres what I got for my money.

Bubs got a few good bargains though and this time Little Mack got treated a bit more aswell. All in all I spent £21.70 heres what I got for my money.
- 3 Dora DVDs for £2.50
- Incy Winsy spider game by Orchard games £50p (RRP £8.99)
- Flower Pot game by Orcahrd games £1.00 (RRP £7.99)
- Fisher Price soft book in excellent condition 50p
- Rocha John Rocha Zip up cardigan £2.00 (New approx £20-£25)
- Flowery coat 50p
- Mothercare brand new soft baby blanket £1.00 (RRP approx £15.00)
- 3 x John Lewis baby vests unworn 10p each! (RRP £13.50 for a set of 3)
- Baby gap spotty vest unworn 10p
- Baby gap leaopard sleepsuit unworn 10p
- New unopened Avent dummies 50p (RRP £1.60)
- 2 boxes of new Mothercare milk storage bags £2.00 (RRP £4.99 per box)
- 4 mini bottles of Nivea kids sun lotion £6.00 (RRP £3.99 each)
- 3 yards of vintage pale pink linen £2.00
- 2 yards of vintage floral fabric £2.00
- 1 x vintage teatowel & tablecloth £1.00
No big bootsale for me next weekend but I do have one of my favourite little local ones on Saturday where I am bound to find a vintage bargain or two. And in a couple of weeks time you can see what I make with the vintage linen bits I bought today.
Did you get any bootsale bargains this weekend? I'd love to see what you bought so please share your links with me.
Did you get any bootsale bargains this weekend? I'd love to see what you bought so please share your links with me.
Great finds, you've done really well! I love bootsales, it is one of my favourite, very English things to do (especially now the weather is improving!) Melissa x